Смоліна Ольга Олегівна

  1. Smolina O. «Daytime» and «night» cultures in P. Florensky and G. Florovsky’s concepts. Вісник Національної академії керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв: наук. журнал. Київ, 2017. № 3. С. 7-11. (Web of Sciencе)
  2. Smolina O. Poetics of culture as a cultural studies problem area. Вісник Національної академії керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв: наук. журнал. Київ, 2018. № 2. С. 37-40. (Web of Science)
  3. Smolina O., Leontieva V. The image of the war in Donbas in works of contemporary ukrainian artists // AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research. Vol. 11, Issue 02 (11/02), December, 2021, 344 p. Р. 262-266. ISSN 1804-7890, ISSN 2464-6733 (Online) doi.org/10.33543/1102 (Web of Science)
  4. Siliutina, I., Marieiev, D., Marieieva, T., Hatsenko, H., & Smolina, O. (2022). Digital Transformation of Education and Humanization of Relationships in the Educational Environment: Some Aspects of Relationship and Mutual Influence. WISDOM, 4(3), 160–167. https://doi.org/10.24234/wisdom.v4i3.761 ISSN 2738-2753 (онлайн) . (Web of Science)
  5. Sidorova, I., Smolina, O., Khomiakova, O., Andriichuk, P., & Romaniuk, L. (2022). Introduction of the latest teaching practices and development of the educational process in the field of culture and art: the experience of EU countries. Revista Eduweb, 16(2), 70–81. https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2022.16.02.4
  6. Chursin, M. M., Siliutina, I. M., Smolina, O. O., &Petrenko, M. O. Alienation Phenomenon and the Communicative Model of the Human Society Evolution Dialogue and Universalism, 32(2), 2022, рр.141-158. (Scopus)


Шелковая Наталія Валеріївна

  1. Шелковая Н. Встречи с В. Розановым. Мысли о поле. Пол и андрогинизм. Вопросы философии. 2017. № 5. С. 208-216. (Scopus)
  2. Шелковая Н. Религия и духовность. Философские науки. 2017. № 12. С. 70–87. (у співавторстві з професором Філадельфійського університету мистецтв (США) М. Сергеєвим). (Web of Science Core Collection)
  3. Шелковая Н. Религия как живой организм. (Sergeev, Mikhail. Theory of Religious Cycles: Tradition, Modernity and the Bahá’í Faith. – Leiden: Brill, 2015. – 161 p.). Философские науки. 2016. № 12. С. 132–138. (Web of Science Core Collection)
  4. Шелковая Н. Фридрих Ницше о Пути возвращения к себе. Философские науки. 2015. № 10. С. 78–93. (Scopus)
  5. Шелковая Н. Emerging Standards and the Hybrid Model for Organizing Scientific Events during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic / Cambridge University Press: 26 October 2020 (Scopus)
  6. Shelkovaya, N. Problems of the Unknowability and Total Unity in the Light of Philosophy of Semyon L. Frank. Dialogue and Universalism Vol. XXXIII, № 1, 2023, рр. 163–180 (Scopus)

Леонтьєва Вероніка Миколаївна

  1. Smolina O., Leontieva V. The image of the war in Donbas in works of contemporary ukrainian artists // AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research. Vol. 11, Issue 02 (11/02), December, 2021, 344 p. Р. 262-266. ISSN 1804-7890, ISSN 2464-6733 (Online) doi.org/10.33543/1102 (Web of Science)


Сілютіна Ірина Миколаївна

  1. Siliutina, I., Marieiev, D., Marieieva, T., Hatsenko, H., & Smolina, O. (2022). Digital Transformation of Education and Humanization of Relationships in the Educational Environment: Some Aspects of Relationship and Mutual Influence. WISDOM, 4(3), 160–167. https://doi.org/10.24234/wisdom.v4i3.761 ISSN 2738-2753 (онлайн) (Web of Science)
  2. Chursin, M. M., Siliutina, I. M., Smolina, O. O., &Petrenko, M. O. Alienation Phenomenon and the Communicative Model of the Human Society Evolution Dialogue and Universalism 2022, 32(2), 141-158. (Scopus)
  3. Perflieva A., Siliutina I., Antypenko N., Vlasenko D. Digital economy as a factor of economic development of the state Financial and credit activities: problems of theory and practice 2021 № 6 (41). (Web of Science)


Прокопенко Олексій Володимирович

1. Kutsyk, P., Kovtun, O., Klochan, V., Klochan, I., Krakhmalova, N., & Prokopenko, O. (2021). The use of economic engineering in the context of strategic enterprise management. Laplage em Revista (International), vol.7, n. Extra E, Aug. 2021, p.427-436. https://doi.org/10.24115/S2446-622020217Extra-E1215p.427-436 (Web of Science)

2. Prokopenko O., Myrtin O., Bilyk O., Vivcharuk O., Zos-Kior M., Hnatenko I. (2021). Models of state regulation by clustering, marketing management and the labor market in the context of globalization, the risk of business bankruptcy and the development of the technical services market IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security. 2021. Vol. 21. № 12 р. 228-234. (Scopus)

3. Olexii Prokopenko, Viktor Dubishchev, Nataliia Makarenko, Olena Lozhachevska, Tamara Navrotska, Olga Melnyk, Olha Mantalyuk, Larysa Kapinus (2022). Assessment of the efficiency of the implementation of the competitive strategy of logistic activity management of agricultural enterprises in the conditions of the online market. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design. Vol. 40, pp. 312-319. (Scopus)

Петренко Максим Олегович

  1. Chursin, M. M., Siliutina, I. M., Smolina, O. O., &Petrenko, M. O. Alienation Phenomenon and the Communicative Model of the Human Society Evolution Dialogue and Universalism 2022, 32(2), 141-158. (Scopus)